
Altar Apartment

Modern church living in Rotterdam
Showcasing Dutch & sustainable design


Above the Altar,
Below the arch

      What once used to be a church, a place for contemplation and celebration but also mourning and grief, is now my home. This municipal monument is completely renovated and now houses 33 apartments. My place, the Altar Apartment, is located where the altar used to be, with the original arch of 7 meters wide still reminiscent of its previous function. Another eyecatcher is the balcony, subtly hidden behind the chapel, with 3 stunning arched windows. Surrounded by lush trees, the apartment is the place where I'd like to showcase meaningful local Dutch design and sustainable innovations in the field of interior- and product design.
      The apartment is natural gas-free and sustainably heated and cooled by a water pump. Wherever possible, I like to make sustainable choices. Previous eco-friendly collaborations included Dutch designed sustainable Lyocell-fabric curtains by De Ploeg and using plant based paint by Fairf.

Interested in collaborating?
Send me an e-mail if you'd like to work together on increasing awareness on environmentally friendly living and showcasing Dutch & sustainable design.



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© Copyright 2024 Joline van den Oever

© Copyright 2024 Joline van den Oever
